Many people believe in the fact that astrological and match making go hand in hand. So chart-wheels and compatibility check-up charts become essentially significant in such cases, which may be easily analyzed by the MatchMkr relationship astrology calculation and analysis program.
The application is capable of performing analysis on relationships and conducting researches on the compatibility of the couple, whose charts are being compared. The tool is designed for calculating natal synastry, Davidson relationships and composite charts along with provision to display single and dual chart-wheels, cosmodynes and lots more.
The program is highly customizable and flexible as the user can specify the desired composite and synastrical aspects of the charts, so as to obtain the ideal date and timing of a suitable occasion. It can assist the user in finding a person, who would most likely be absolutely compatible in all astrological aspects, signifying a happier life in the future.
There are options to feed the relevant details right from date of birth down to the specifics, so as to obtain accurate results; however, obviously none of the results can be claimed to be completely trustable because these are only predictions that are likely to differ from the happenings in reality.